King Kong

Tokyo Signals - The Holiday Special (Kong: King of the Apes)

Tokyo Signals - The Holiday Special (Kong: King of the Apes)

HO HO HO, HAPPY HOLIDAYS Everyone! And welcome to this years Holiday Special. As you all know, last year I made a variety show and cooked some turkey wings, so in this year we are taking FLIGHT, on the airwaves of Tokyo Signals!

Five years ago I stumbled across a tv show on Netflix, and it nearly drove me insane. So, after spending years in a Trash Dojo, I have returned to take down my greatest enemy: a kids show from Netflix. Let’s see how it goes!

Episode 11: The Best And Worst Godzilla Designs

Episode 11: The Best And Worst Godzilla Designs

This is an argument that fans have been engaged in since the beginning. Which Godzilla design reigns supreme? Which one looks like a grey speckled diaper with fangs? These are the important questions that Kyle and Coleman delve into on today's episode. Before that though, they delve into all the recent Shin Godzilla news and wonder when and if we'll see a new trailer (I know, there already is one, but we recorded this last week)

Episode 10: King Kong (1976)

Episode 10: King Kong (1976)

I have been waiting so long to do this episode, and while many of you will scoff at this being our podcast's first introduction to Kong, I think it's a great way to kick things off. Jeff Bridges chasing after Jessica Lange in the jungles of Hawaii holds a special place in my heart, and I hope we can sway those of you who have never really given it a second, or even first, look.